What Are The Current Security Challenges to CPEC? CSS Pakistan Affairs

Security Challenges to CPEC

What Are The Current Security Challenges to CPEC? CSS Pakistan Affairs


The China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) is one of the flagship projects of China’s BRI. As a flagship project of China, CPEC is recognized globally. In today’s article, we will analyze the security concerns of CPEC from Geo-political tensions to regional instability.

Furthermore, we will also analyze the various factors put into the security dynamics of CPEC. In other words, we will examine the emerged the multiple security challenges to CPEC. So in this article, we will discuss the following points:

  1. How crucial is this phase of CPEC?
  2. What are the security threats to CPEC?
  3. How these threats will be disruptive for CPEC and Pakistan?
  4. What are the policies of Pakistan and China regarding CPEC?

Current Scenario | Besham Attack and Chinese Response

Some time ago we saw an attack on the Chinese Engineers who were working on the project of CPEC in Besham. This attack is considered one of the pious attacks on Chinese engineers. Clearly, it will have an adverse impact on the projects of the CPEC Phase 2

Chinese Response to Attacks

After the attack on Chinese Engineers in Besham, a disturbing report was released in which they claimed that the Chinese feel insecure in Pakistan. Because of security concerns, many Chinese engineers and workers already left Pakistan. 

Furthermore, the Chinese government has expressed public concerns about security issues in Pakistan. As a result, Pakistani government officials regularly visit the Chinese embassy and Pakistani officials give all kinds of assurances to the Chinese of their security but these promises are not enough for them.

As a result, the Chinese are now frustrated by those attacks. Therefore, they cannot believe Pakistani promises. Just because of the friendship it does not mean that they will sacrifice their people’s life. Hence, the Chinese government is now concerned about the security of their citizens in Pakistan.

What Are the Reasons Behind These Attacks?

TTP’s continued attacks in Pakistan are creating an environment of insecurity in Pakistan. As a result, everybody is suffering including the Chinese. However, the Chinese-specific attacks are only carried out by the Baloch Rebels. The purpose of their attacks is to stop the Chinese from Balochistan. 

The regional states and global powers, who are critical of CPEC, they are also accused of their engagement in the anti-CPEC attacks in Pakistan. For example, India is sponsoring such elements as we saw in the case of the Kulbushan Yadhav. India is doing these attacks on the Chinese because they want to weaken Pakistan. Furthermore, the aim is to create a negative perception against China’s BRI and CPEC. 

What Should Pakistan Do to Stop Such Attacks?

  1. Physically, it is nearly impossible to give security to every Chinese individual in Pakistan. Therefore, it is necessary to review the broad security policies of Pakistan. 
  2. We needed to address the broad security issues in Pakistan. 
  3. We need to create broad security stability in Pakistan 
  4. We need to resolve the fundamental issues in Balochistan.
  5. We need to make a specific policy framework for TTP. 

Critical Analysis

In the long term, Because of these security concerns in Pakistan will badly affect the confidence of the investors and will be less likely to be solidified. 

In this context, the security of CPEC will not only affect CPEC but it will also affect the privatization policy in Pakistan because due to security concerns, no big investor will come to Pakistan and it will become a dream for us but not a reality. That is why Pakistan’s short-term approach will actually not solve the problem but it will give us a short-term perception of the community. 


It is broadly said in Pakistan, that the success of CPEC will define the success of Pakistan’s economic story. The broader economic revival of Pakistan depends on the success of CPEC. therefore, any threat to CPEC is a broader threat to Pakistan’s economy. 

So let’s hope that Pakistani policymakers do not take cosmetic measures for political interests but Pakistan needs long-term security policy spectrums with collaboration with internal think tankers and with friendly states like China and Arab countries. Hence, Pakistan can solve its internal security issues and Pakistan’s economic dreams will be materialized. 

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